With all this in mind, have a look at these basic set of rules to keep you safe. Even if you have just bought a used car from a dealer don’t think this doesn’t apply to you:
Keep your screen-wash topped up and use good de-icer to prevent it from freezing.
Always carry an old coat and blanket in your car, if your engine fails the temperature in the car can drop very quickly and you may be waiting for a while before you are picked up or recovered.
Check that your tyres have good tread on them to cope with icy and slippery conditions.
Make sure you always have plenty of fuel, if you are caught out, you'll have enough fuel to keep engine running to keep warm.
Always clear snow and ice from the windscreen before driving. It’s also a good idea to clear the bonnet and roof, as the snow can easily slide onto the windscreen whilst driving.
Keep some chocolate and sweets in the car, you never know how long you might be stuck for, chocolate is a great source of energy and could save your life in very extreme conditions.
Try to use your gears when slowing down and just dab the brakes to prevent skidding.
Never turn to sharply, take things slowly it very hard to stop skidding on ice one you’ve started.
The main thing is: GO CAREFUL!!